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The Castle of Colltort; bird’s eye view of volcanoes and beech forests.

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Enjoy a full day in nature!

Through this experience you will enjoy a hiking route around the ruins of Colltort Castle. Its location, at the top of the ridge that joins the Serra del Corb and the Serra de Finestres, offers spectacular panoramic views of the Garrotxa.

Volcanoes that evoke past episodes of lava and ash, beech trees that turn into an explosion of colors in autumn, meadows and pastures that dot the landscape as if they were whimsical geometric figures, and the imposing Canigó massif on the horizon.

The Castle, which forms part of the natural and architectural heritage of La Garrotxa, was first documented at the beginning of the year 1000 and according to various sources, this construction played an important role in the relations between Barcelona and Besalú.

The circular route we propose is of medium difficulty, with a total distance of 9 km and a difference in altitude of 300 metres. Tot i això, si ho prefereixes, la ruta pot escurçar-se a 4 km i 200 m de desnivell (sota petició). It should be noted that it is a totally affordable route for families with children (used to walking), as there are several stops and the pace is not demanding.

Experience Driver:

En Raúl Bastida Vives t’acompanyarà durant tota la jornada i t’ensenyarà els paratges més icònics i apassionants de la Garrotxa. He has 15 years of experience as an environmental educator, 23 as an ornithologist and 13 as a nature guide. His passion for observing and studying birds has led him to the conservation of ecosystems through the transmission of their natural values.

Our aim is to make known a place little known to the people of the region in order to promote local tourism. In this way we can reduce the ecological footprint of travel and promote links between the local community and its territory.

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Imatge dels abres de la Garrotxa.ROUTE THROUGH COLLTORT CASTLE
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